
Neues Album soll Ende 2015 kommen!

von Malte H.

Logo Tsjuder

Die norwegische Schwarzmetall-Formation Tsjuder arbeitet fleissig am Nachfolger für das 2011 erschienene Album "Legion Helvete". Dafür haben die Mannen aus Oslo beim französischen Label Seasons Of Mist angeheuert und über das Label folgende Mitteilung verlauten lassen:

"We are currently in studio recording our new album, and we are about half done. We have spent some 3-4 years creating this material, and as always we have not been rushing it. The music is in the same vein as always; raw and brutal black metal without any compromises. We plan to be done in March, but the release will come later this year. On our upcoming concerts we will probably play a few of the new songs. We will make it worth the wait!"


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