
Kündigen neues Album an!

von Malte H.

Logo Hate

Die polnischen Death Metaller von Hate haben nach dem überraschenden Tod ihres Bassisten Slawek “Mortifer” Archangielskij während der Europa-Tour mit Hypocrisy zurück in die Spur gefunden und kündigen für das neue Jahr ein neues Album an.

Sänger und Lead-Gitarrist Atf Sinner äußerte sich auf Facebook wie folgt dazu:


Hey Metallers !!! Just to let you know that I have been using this 7-string monster from Ibanez (RG Prestige) while composing new tracks. It's been a while since we started working on ideas for next album and I must say it all sounds very, very promising (to say the least)! I've never come up with riffs so monumental and powerful before and I'm convinced we're opening new gates for our expression. Our ambition is to release a new album in 2014 and with all the developments it now seems perfectly possible! The recording has been planned to start in June next year. We will keep you posted on the progress. Until then, keep your fingers crossed !

Atf Sinner


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